Thursday, September 10, 2009

Screen shot

When I see this screen shot the first thing that comes to mind is college student. From the picture of the two young people (me and my girlfriend) anyone can tell that who ever is working on that computer is a college student. Not to mention blogspot and CTools is also in the shot. Thats what really gives it away. I think of friends and technology and how fast the tech industry is growing. Its actually scary to think of how fast the world is thinking and producing new ideas. Which is why composing, changes in digital spaces. You don't have all this space to do what ever you want with, your confined to the digital parameters of your desktop or laptop. You can only choose what options the computer gives you and thats it. Blogs like this one will help many people understand the digital composing process. Its kind of a translator for people who don't get this process. If we get more people to participate in blogs or social networking sites like facebook and myspace less people will be "in the dark" about computers and they won't be afraid of trying new things with them.

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